5 must-try Bali specialties | Magazine

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Spices are the basis of Balinese cuisine such as turmeric, ginger or chili or cloves, lemongrass and many others, but also rice, noodles, vegetables, eggs and meat, mostly chicken. Most people in Bali do not live in affluence, so they try to cook in the style of “what the house gave”. Even so, the food is very tasty. You can taste it in a so-called warung, which is the name for a small local restaurant or street bistro where you can get the cheapest food in Bali. Its price starts at about 20,000 Indonesian rupiah, i.e. about 30 Czech crowns.

Rice is the basis of the Balinese diet. Do you know how to cook it properly?

The advantage is that people don’t cook much in Bali and even in a small village you can find someone who has his own warung. Food is also sold here, for example, in mobile refreshments. And of course you can also visit a larger restaurant where the food is a little more expensive.

You cannot avoid rice and noodles in Bali

The most typical food in Bali is fried rice Fried rice. It is usually served with vegetables, egg and chicken, for vegetarians there is an option with tofu or tempeh. Fried krupuk chips are also served with it. In short, you cannot do without rice in Bali. It is eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Asian cuisine is not only about fried noodles: Try nasi goreng or real kung pao

The second specialty is Fried noodles (or also Bami Goreng), where noodles are served instead of rice. They are prepared similarly to Nasi Goreng and are often eaten for breakfast as well. In addition to the classic Mie Goreng, you can also try other types of fried noodles, such as Bihun Goreng, which are fried rice noodles.

Fried noodles

• Author: iStock

The peanut sauce will get you going

It is also a well-known delicacy Satay – meat on a stick served with rice and a delicious peanut sauce. Small grilled skewers are prepared from pieces of chicken, goat or beef. In predominantly Hindu Bali, however, unlike other places, you can also taste pork. Due to the insular nature of Indonesia, fish and seafood are an integral part of the local cuisine. The most common side dish is rice.

Satay – popular skewers with peanut sauce

• Author: iStock

Peanut sauce also dominates another specialty, which is Gado-gado. This dish is nicknamed “what the house gave”. Balinese love too Rendang or spicy stew with coconut sauce. You can also enjoy soups, which are usually a broth made mainly of chicken and vegetables.

You can refresh yourself with great fruit juices

In Indonesia, you will come across many types of tropical fruitswhich is often eaten raw, but various juices are also made from it. The most common fruits include mango, mangosteen, durian, pomelo, banana, avocado, papaya or pineapple and many others. Indonesia offers an abundance of drinks – from the already mentioned fresh fruit juices or water from a freshly opened young coconut to the famous “civet” coffee to palm wine. Bintnag beer is also produced here. If you’re craving a dessert after good food and drink, be sure to try it fried bananas in batter.

Mango is great both sweet and savory.  Learn how to cut it and make it into a cake, salad, or eat it with meat

Mango is great both sweet and savory. Learn how to cut it and make it into a cake, salad, or eat it with meat

Nasi Goreng Fried Rice Recipe


  • 1 large chicken breast
  • olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground sweet paprika
  • 1 red onion
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 red pepper
  • 2 bowls of cooked rice
  • 2 spoons of soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon chili paste
  • 2 eggs
  • chili peppers, to serve
  • fresh cilantro, to serve
  • grinded pepper
  • salt

Nasi Goreng Fried Rice

• Author: iStock


1. Rub the chicken breast with oil, pepper and sprinkle with ground paprika. Fry the meat briskly in a well-heated pan on both sides, about 2 minutes on each side. Put the pah in a baking dish and bake for 10 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 °C.

2. In the meantime, cut the onion into wedges, the garlic into slices, the cleaned carrot into thin strips, the pepper into pieces. Fry the onion in a pan with a little oil, add the carrot, pepper and finally the garlic. Once the vegetables are soft, add the rice and stir-fry slowly. Mix the soy sauce, oyster sauce and chili paste in a bowl, pour into the pan, stir and sauté for a few minutes to reduce the liquid slightly.

3. Fry the oxeyes from the eggs. Cut the chicken breast into slices and salt. Divide the rice and vegetables into bowls, add eggs, chicken, chopped chili pepper and coriander leaves.

You will definitely enjoy the fried noodles

Udon: A recipe for Asian bistro-style noodles that you can prepare in 20 minutes

Udon: A recipe for Asian bistro-style noodles that you can prepare in 20 minutes

Rice in the oven does not stick and does not boil: How to cook it correctly?

Rice in the oven does not stick and does not boil: How to cook it correctly?

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