106 years have handed for the reason that genocide in opposition to Azerbaijanis – 2024-05-23 16:11:32

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It’s the anniversary of the Armenian Dashnaks’ genocide in opposition to Azerbaijanis at the side of the Bolsheviks.

Publika.az reminds that 106 years have handed for the reason that genocide.

The rules of our tragedies within the area have been laid by way of the department of the Azerbaijani other people and the department of our historic lands with the agreements of Gulustan and Turkmenchay signed in 1813 and 1828, and the method of expropriation of the ones lands started within the following duration. In a brief time period, Armenians have been resettled en masse to the lands of Azerbaijan. Impressed by way of the dream of constructing “Nice Armenia”, Armenian usurpers performed a chain of mass massacres in opposition to Azerbaijanis.

The Armenians, who skilfully used the First International Struggle and the February and October coups of 1917 in Russia, this time attempted to comprehend their hateful intentions beneath the Bolshevik banner. Since March 1918, the Baku Commune has applied a plan to cleanse the Baku governorate of Azerbaijanis beneath the slogan of combating counter-revolutionaries.

In the ones days, tens of 1000’s of civilians have been killed in Baku town, in addition to in Shamakhi, Guba and different towns and districts of Baku governorate, exactly as a result of their ethnic and non secular association, settlements have been destroyed, cultural monuments, mosques and cemeteries have been razed to the bottom. In later occasions, the Armenian nationalists, who was much more deviant, persisted their inhuman acts and performed mass murders, looting and ethnic cleaning in Karabakh, Zangezur, Nakhchivan, Shirvan, Iravan and different areas.

After the status quo of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, particular consideration used to be paid to the occasions of March 1918, and on July 15, the Council of Ministers determined to ascertain an Bizarre Investigation Fee to analyze this tragedy. The fee investigated the March genocide, the atrocities in Shamakhi on the preliminary degree, and the intense crimes dedicated by way of Armenians within the territory of Yerevan governorate. March 31, 1919 and 1920, used to be marked two times by way of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic as an afternoon of nationwide mourning.

On March 26, 1998, President Heydar Aliyev signed a decree “At the Genocide of Azerbaijanis”. From that day, March 31 is well known as Genocide Day of Azerbaijanis.

In 2013, the Guba Genocide Memorial Advanced used to be erected in Guba in reminiscence of the Azerbaijanis who died on account of the massacres performed by way of the Bolshevik-Armenian armed teams on Azerbaijani lands.

Because of the analysis, it used to be made up our minds that the cemetery used to be associated with the genocide dedicated by way of Armenians in opposition to the native civilian inhabitants in 1918. Because of the analysis paintings, the stays of masses of corpses belonging to other age teams have been came upon within the cemetery. Along side the Azerbaijanis, representatives of the Lezgi, Jewish, Tat and different ethnic teams dwelling compactly in Guba have been mercilessly killed and buried within the cemetery.

Talking on the opening rite of the Guba Genocide Memorial Advanced, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev stated:

“All over the Soviet generation, after all, historical past used to be distorted, so those truths have been hidden from us. Bandits who shed the blood of the Azerbaijani other people for a few years, – their hateful names also are proven there, – Shaumyan and others like him have been offered to us as heroes. I feel this can be a nice tragedy. As a result of for a few years, the weather who mercilessly dedicated brutality in opposition to our other people have been offered as heroes in Soviet historical past, and monuments have been erected of their honor. It used to be handiest on the time of independence that we restored true justice. We wiped clean our gorgeous town, Baku, of the ones monuments, and lately gorgeous parks, together with the Coastal Park, were created in the ones puts. In different phrases, historical past and justice triumphed. We’re returning to our historical past lately. We all know the entire moments of historical past, we will have to know. The younger technology will have to additionally know what screw ups our other people confronted previously.”

This genocidal coverage in opposition to the Azerbaijani other people, which persisted for greater than 100 years, used to be stopped by way of the historical victory within the Patriotic Struggle.

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