10 Health Symptoms Women Should Not Ignore – Al-Shorouk Online

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Many women ignore some health symptoms because they think they will go away with time, but in reality they are warning signs of a serious situation.

A persistent headache, cough, or leg swelling could be evidence of a serious health problem that requires a visit to a doctor before the matter turns into something undesirable.

In this article, doctors highlight 10 health symptoms that have tormented women for a long time and are therefore a warning of danger:

Severe pain in the head

If you experience a headache that comes on suddenly and can only be described as the worst pain you have ever felt in your life, this pain is the result of an enlarged artery pressing on your brain.

If it breaks, you could have a stroke, or worse, so don’t ignore it and see a doctor.

Numbness in the hands or feet

If you feel numbness, weakness, or tingling in your hands or feet, or lose strength to climb stairs, for example, you may have a herniated or bulging disc in your vertebrae, which is putting pressure on your nerves.

Leg pain with swelling

If you notice swelling in your leg accompanied by pain in the area, this indicates the presence of a blood clot in your leg, which is a serious condition because if the clot breaks off and reaches your lung, it could be fatal.

Persistent cough

A persistent cough indicates a health problem, and possible diagnoses include: infection, cancer of some kind, heart distress, bronchial or lung problems, according to the hellahealth website.

Personality changes

Personality changes, such as difficulty concentrating and paying attention, behavioral changes, and poor thinking skills, should not be ignored.

These changes can be caused by many problems, such as infections, dehydration, poor diet, mental health conditions, or medications.

Flashes of light

According to Mayoclinic, flashes of light can sometimes be a sign of migraine, and in other cases, they can be a sign of retinal detachment.

Breast lumps

If you notice a lump in your breast or a change in color (purple or red spots), ask your doctor for advice.

Unexplained weight loss

If you make changes to your diet and lifestyle, losing weight is completely normal.
However, if you are losing weight without trying or without a clear reason, this could be a cause for concern, as it could be an indication of a health condition that requires a visit to the doctor.

Hair loss

There are many causes of hair loss, including genetics, hormonal changes, stress, autoimmune disorders, and even some medications.

Chronic fatigue

They could be symptoms of anemia, a hormonal imbalance, a small infection, or simply a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or perhaps the sign of a heart attack, according to what was published by the herologyclass website.

2024-01-25 09:16:20
#Health #Symptoms #Women #Ignore #AlShorouk #Online

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