Women over 40 years old should note these 5 foods to effectively reduce belly fat

by worldysnews

After age 40, metabolism begins to slow down, hormones begin to change, and the body becomes less responsive to diet and exercise. However, you can still effectively reduce belly fat if you use these 5 foods.

1. Coconut

Coconut is a great source of healthy fats. It helps reduce belly fat by curbing cravings and helping you feel full longer.

2. Yellow lentils

Yellow lentils are an indispensable food in Indian cuisine. They are high in fiber and protein, do not contain many calories, help you stay full for a long time, keep blood sugar stable and reduce belly fat effectively.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a popular Indian herb that can help reduce belly fat, regulate metabolism and increase the body’s fat burning.

4. Spinach

Spinach, also known as spinach, contains many nutrients and vitamins and is an excellent source of fiber. It not only helps you feel full longer but also keeps blood sugar levels stable, which can help reduce belly fat.

5. Soybeans

Soybeans are a great source of protein, helping you feel full for a long time without containing many calories. They also contain high amounts of fiber, which helps keep blood sugar levels stable and reduce belly fat.

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