The Anosy regional volleyball league elected its new president last January. At the end of this EGM, Placide Nickael Rakotonantenaina was elected head of the league during the Olympic mandate. He already held the position of communications manager with the former executive committee, led by Falimanantsoa Rasolofomanana. The latter became president of the Fitovignany league a few months ago. President Nickael Rakotonantenaina calls for solidarity from the three sections, namely Fort-Dauphin, Amboasary Sud and Betroka which constitute the league. “The league is open to discussion, advice or exchanges to continue the promotion of volleyball in the region,” he noted. Just last week, the president released the list of permanent members who will work with him for four years.
Office members:
– President: Rakotonantenaina Placide Nickael
– Secretary General: Razanakolona Raissa Felamboasary
– CTR: Andrianimanana Tojo
– Treasurers: Andriniaina Rasoloarijaona and Laha Jeannot
– Responsible Beach-Volley: Mr. Randrianantenaina Ambaré
– Councilors: Andrianandrainy Mamitiana, Lahimampianina Fortuné, Randriambololona Raymond and Andrianandraina Dini Eddy.
– Responsables Communication : Herman Renaud et Ezekias Robinson.
Manjata Razafy