The CUT called for a security conclave with the participation of the social world

by worldysnews

In a document from the multi-union, it was recalled that the Government is committed to holding a security meeting “with the objective of listening to the voice of workers on the security problems that their families face in their neighborhoods and communities,” and it was urged that this agreement be fulfilled. It was also proposed to give urgency to the bill on protection of workers against external workplace violence. And it was pointed out that what “The time has come to consider urgently investigating money laundering and banking secrecy” in the country.

“The Century”. Santiago. 7/26/2024. Holding a security conclave with the participation of social organizations, materializing a national agreement to combat organized crime, a significant increase in social spending to confront the security crisis, investigation of money laundering and bank secrecy, and giving urgency to the bill on protection of workers against external labor violence, are some of the proposals of the Central Unitary Workers’ Union (CUT) to address the criminal and violence scenario that exists in the country.

In a document from the multi-union, it was expressed that there is a “deep concern about the growing security crisis affecting workers” and that the situation “demands the immediate attention of the political system and the business sector to seek a national agreement that will restore peace and tranquility to the homes of workers.”

The text recalled that the Government is committed to holding a security meeting “with the aim of listening to the voices of workers regarding the security problems their families face in their neighborhoods and communities,” and urged that this agreement be fulfilled.

Along these lines, it was suggested that a conclave of this type should be held with social organizations “so that they can present their proposals and expose the problems that people face daily, especially on their way to work and back home.”

In this context, the CUT called for a national agreement to combat organized crime and drug trafficking, along the path that political, social and academic sectors have proposed, so that different actors can participate directly in plans and measures regarding public security.

The CUT expressed particular concern regarding “giving urgency to the bill on the protection of workers against external workplace violence” and stated that “external workplace violence is that which takes place between workers and any person present at the site, which may come from users of the services offered by the employer. The workers who are most affected by external violence and where concerns should be raised are services and transportation.” It was emphasized that “it is necessary for the Government to give urgency to this law to address the external violence that affects workers in the private sector.”

The country’s main trade union organisation also stated that “a significant increase in the State’s social spending is urgently needed, with the support of the private sector, to effectively address the security crisis and implement social intervention plans that ensure the presence of the State in local spaces, neighbourhoods and towns.”

The text indicated that “all current protocols and standards in management, prevention, repression and intelligence must be improved to combat criminal organizations.”

As argued by the community and regional spheres, the CUT aimed to “demand greater participation from municipalities and regional governments at all levels, overcoming the current level of involvement that keeps them in a secondary position in the development and implementation of public policies on security.”

Faced with the dramatic figures of children and adolescents who are victims of crime, the document from the trade union organization pointed out that “UNICEF’s request for support for children and adolescents should be accepted. We urgently request the signing of a national plan to support the families of adolescents involved in organized crime and drug trafficking. Their rescue is urgent and requires a sense of humanity.”

At one point it was pointed out that “the time has come to consider urgently investigating money laundering and bank secrecy, as well as a national plan to tackle addictions, which unfortunately form part of this tragic link”, something that is being developed by the Government, Parliament and sectors involved in the issue.

2024-08-15 06:35:31
#CUT #called #security #conclave #participation #social #world

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