Osid’s Success Story in Building a Tofu Business, Business Boomed with BRI Kupedes Loans

by worldysnews


Starting with perseverance and hard work, Osid Rosid (57), who utilized capital facilities from BRI, was able to make his tofu business skyrocket. Photo/Doc

JAKARTA – Starting with persistence and hard work, Osid Rosid (57) took advantage of the facilities capital from PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or BRI able to create business you know hers skyrocketed. Starting from riding a bicycle to sell his tofu from house to house, now Osid has his own factory.

“I initially sold bicycles. At that time I only produced 10 kilograms in one day,” said Osid Rosid when met by SINDOnews.com, recently.

Starting in 1982, he became a tofu craftsman after several years as an employee. Tirelessly, Osid continued to pedal his bicycle while pioneering, because he believed that his business would grow.

Now Osid’s hard work is reaping sweet rewards because he already has 6 employees and is able to produce two quintals of tofu per day. Having moved from location to place, since 2003 Osid Rosid decided to settle in Cipayung, East Jakarta to run his business.

“Initially in Utan Kayu, then moved to Pejaten and now in Cipayung. Decided on Cipayung because it reduces operational costs. Because rental costs are cheaper there,” he said.

Business Takes Off with Capital from BRI

Osid Rosid’s business is growing rapidly, inseparable from BRI’s capital assistance by utilizing Kupedes (General Rural Credit) loans. “The initial loan was IDR 4 million, that was in 1995. Now the loan is IDR 280 million,” he said.

He maximized the loan to increase capital for his tofu business, because there was already a lot of demand. “Borrow for additional capital and open another business in the village (Ciamis),” he said.

Osid Rosid admitted that he had fallen in love with BRI’s services, because according to him the process was quite easy if you always made payments on time. “Thank God, BRI never made things difficult. In fact, I was given a free Business Identification Number (NIB) certificate and training,” he said.

Get Investment Through Assets from Tofu Business

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2024-03-14 18:04:06

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