The Angolan Ministry of Youth and Sports provides 39 million kwanzas, an amount that was requested by the Angolan Athletics Federation, to begin preparations for the race, which are going at a slow pace, due to the delay in the delivery of the amounts, which were only put to available to the organization of the test 11 days before the same test takes place.
The funds made available to the Angolan Athletics Federation will not only be used for preparations for the event, but will also be used to reward athletes who will participate in this great event, which will be attended by national and foreign athletes, from countries such as South Africa. , Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique, in a competition featuring professional and amateur athletes, totaling 3000 athletes.
According to statements by Manuel Sebastião, provincial director of youth and sports in Luanda and who is involved in the organization of São Silvestre, the section of the race needs some improvements in some specific places, such as the starting location, where it is already located. there are companies working on repairing the asphalt carpet in this and other places that are listed to undergo intervention, for its consequent improvement.
This year’s event will pass through important and historic squares in the province of Luanda, such as Largo do Kinaxixi, Largo das Heroínas and Largo da Independência, and will begin at Largo da Mutamba and end at Estádio dos Coqueiros.