Famous American actor Jon Stewart will return to host the political satirical program “The Daily Show” after quitting in 2015. The program is expected to be broadcast once a week during this year, which will see presidential elections in the United States.
Stewart confirmed the news in a post on the “X” platform, while the program’s official page on the same platform published a photo of him sitting at the filming location with his feet on the desk.
Stewart began hosting the “Daily Show” on Comedy Central in 1999 and has created a distinct position for himself in the American audiovisual field, emerging as an influential figure in politics, journalism and entertainment.
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He stopped presenting the program in 2015 and was replaced by comedian Trevor Noah.
A large number of those who worked with him went on to host their own competing programs on the Daily Show, such as Stephen Colbert with his “Late Show” program and John Oliver with “Last Week Tonight.”
Late last October, “The Problem with Jon Stewart” was abruptly terminated on the Apple TV platform after airing two seasons due to writing disputes between the comedian and the tech company.
Stewart will present one episode a week of the “Daily Show” program, which could be scheduled on Monday, as reported by the specialized site “Deadline”.
2024-01-25 14:47:08
#Jon #Stewart #returns #Daily #Show #coincide #elections