This video, which is going viral amid the ongoing violence in Bangladesh and targeting of Hindu community, is related to another incident when five people died and more than forty devotees were injured when a chariot came in contact with electric wires during the Rath Yatra. The video of this old incident is being shared with the claim of murder of Hindus.
New Delhi (Viswas News). Amid the ongoing violence in Bangladesh, a video going viral on various social media platforms is being claimed to be a video related to the ongoing violence against minorities there, where Hindus are being killed. In the viral video, dead bodies scattered on the streets and an injured person can be seen.
Vishvas News found this claim to be false in its investigation. The viral video is of an accident that happened during the old Rath Yatra in Bogra, Bangladesh, when the chariot came in contact with electric wires during the Rath Yatra. Five people died and many other devotees were injured in this incident that took place in July.
It is worth noting that during the ongoing violence in Bangladesh, minorities, especially the Hindu community, have been targeted. The Hindu community has also staged massive protests in Bangladesh against this violence. The United Nations has also condemned the ongoing violence against Hindus in Bangladesh.
What is viral?
Many users have sent this video to Vishwas News’ tipline number and described it as a case of violence against Hindus in Bangladesh. The user has shared the video and claimed, “Those who thought the Kashmir file was fake and love Congress should look at Bangladesh.”
*This is a picture of the future.”
There are many other posts on different social media platforms Users id=’action_msg_1373’> Link) has shared this video with the same claim.
On reverse image searching the key frames of the viral video, we found a video published on the website of Bangladesh news portal BDNews.24 on July 7, 2024. Report Found a report in which this incident is mentioned.
According to the information given, at least five people died and more than 40 people were injured when the chariot came in contact with electric wires during the Rath Yatra in Bogra, Bangladesh. The deceased have been identified as Atashi, Ranjita, Sabita, Alok and Naresh.
In search we found many others Reports Also found, in which this incident is mentioned.
That is, it is clear from our investigation that the viral video is not related to the current political developments in Bangladesh. It is worth noting that during the violent protests against the quota system in Bangladesh, in the situation of political uncertainty, Hindu minorities living there were also targeted along with political rivals. Reports According to the report, people of the Hindu community were killed as well as their businesses, homes and temples were attacked. However, the viral video is not related to this violence.
Meanwhile, a new government has been formed in Bangladesh and Bangladesh’s Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus has been sworn in as the chief advisor of this interim government and Yunus has described the violence against minorities in Bangladesh as disgusting.
News Report According to, the United Nations has condemned the attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh. Amid violence against the minority Hindu community in Bangladesh, a spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said that he is against any attack or incitement to violence on racial grounds.
We contacted Bangladeshi fact checker Tausif Akbar regarding the viral video and he confirmed that this video is not related to political violence but is of an old incident of a chariot being struck by lightning during the Rath Yatra.
Fact check reports of other viral claims related to Bangladesh have been provided by Vishvas News Website It can be read here. Earlier, another viral video claimed the presence of Indian Army at Bangladesh airport, which we found to be fake in our investigation.
Conclusion: The video going viral amid the ongoing violence in Bangladesh targeting the Hindu community is related to another incident in which five people died and more than forty devotees were injured when a chariot came in contact with electric wires during the Rath Yatra. The video of this old incident is being shared with the claim of killing of Hindus.
- Claim Review : Video of massacre of Hindus amid ongoing violence in Bangladesh.
- Claimed By : X User-@Shreekantryvbjp
- Fact Check : Lie
Symbol indicating the nature of fake news
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2024-08-13 15:01:01