Children’s friends: Preventing the EU supply chain law is a crime against children – 2024-02-08 16:23:00

by worldysnews

Children’s rights must be universally enforced and not subordinated to profits. The EU Supply Chain Act is an indispensable milestone in this regard.

Vienna (OTS) “More than 105 years after the abolition of child labor, incidentally against the resistance of employers, Minister of Economics and Labor Martin Kocher continues to ensure corporations the profits that arise from child labor in other countries,” says Children’s Friends Federal Managing Director Daniela Gruber-Pruner, horrified.

“While every social welfare recipient has to fill out 29-page forms, child labor should continue to be possible unhindered because corporations find the bureaucratic effort to ensure the transparency of their supply chains too complicated. These are often the same corporations for whom no evasion scheme or administrative effort is too high when it comes to tax avoidance,” says Kinderfreunde federal chairman Jürgen Czernohorszky indignantly.

For the children’s friends, preventing an EU supply chain law means an attack on the future of the next generations. Corporations and their decision-makers must finally be held responsible for human rights violations and environmental damage, otherwise they will never be stopped. “Children should not be forced to work anywhere. It is regrettable that this simple principle is not a political consensus,” explains Gruber-Pruner. Czernohorsky adds: “Children also have the right to be given an intact planet. This includes immediately stopping environmental destruction by corporations to maximize profits.”

The children’s joy urges the Minister of Economics to assume his responsibility as Minister of Labor, to agree to the EU Supply Chain Act and thereby make a contribution to a fairer global economy, especially to combat child labor.

Questions & Contact:

Austrian children’s friends
Michael Mazohl
Press spokesman

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